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2023 > Words & Gestures of the Church on Human Mobility and Interculturality

Thematic Week 4 to 8 September 2023

On the last Sunday of September, the Catholic Church celebrates World Migrant and Refugee Day.

We prepare ourselves by discovering "words and gestures" of the universal Church and localce on migration with a rich programme at the Abbey of San Paolo d'Argon and you are all invited:

4 September 6 pm > INAUGURATION Watch the video by clicking HERE.

5 September at 6 pm > PLEASURE TO MEET with the Ecummè Commission

6 September 6 p.m. > GOOD PRACTICE OF MEETING + concert RAINBOW JAM

7 September 6 pm > Workshop 12 CUBES X 6 FEASTS

8 September 6 p.m. > Theatre workshop, followed by performance PIAZZA BOLERO

The four days are enriched by the film proposal CORTI ESPOSTI.
An exhibition from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. of various short films to reflect on the CULTURE OF THE ENCOUNTER
Free admission!

Ours is a network work with:
SAS Bergamo, Ecummè Commission, Cooperativa Impresa Sociale Ruah, IFF - Integrazione Film Festival, Abbazia San Paolo d'Argon

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