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Words and gestures of the Church on human mobility and interculture

On the last Sunday of September, every year, the Catholic Church celebrates World Migrant and Refugee Day.

The month of September therefore becomes an opportunity to prepare for this anniversary by delving into what the reality of human mobility means for the Christian community, with the complementary contribution of official documents, local experiences and the language of film.

The event "SHORTS EXPOSED" exhibits six different short films selected by Integrazione Film Festival to express in an installation the most significant passages of the message that Pope Francis publishes every year on World Migrant and Refugee Day.

Here are some useful references:

The document "Pastoral Orientations on Intercultural Migrant Ministry" of the Vatican Migrants & Refugees Section
The section of the website of Fondazione Migrantes (pastoral body of the Italian Episcopal Conference) dedicated to World Migrant and Refugee Day.